Dave Mahoney Golf

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Happy Holidays! Winter Golf Instruction Available!


Hello from Miami!

As many of you know, I work a lot with individuals who are looking for quick fixes in their golf games. Additionally, I have also been specifically trained and certified to help golfers of any level reach their absolute best. Building a swing that is repeatable and has the least amount of compensations ensures consistent success.

As the New Year approaches keep this in mind. The key to having a repeatable swing is having a plan that outlines exactly how you will reach your goals as a player. The better you want to be, the more detailed the plan gets. From there, proper practice and repetition WILL build the correct muscle memory that will benefit you in the long run. Ultimately, this will move your golfing goals from dreams to reality.

With this in mind, the winter season is the BEST time to make significant changes in your game that will last a lifetime. I am very excited to announce that for a second winter season, I will be PRIMARILY available for private instruction at The Route Fore Golf Center in Upstate New York!

Lessons for groups or individuals will be indoors on the PGA Tour simulators or outside depending on weather. I am eager to put together a specific tailored plan that will have you playing your best golf yet, come April! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Happy Holidays,
